Efficacy Coconut Water for Health

Coconut water is very enjoyable at all to be consumed as beverages thirst during the day with the weather being so hot. Coconut water does contain a lot of benefits that it is very unusual for our bodies.
Benefits of coconut water was in the medical world can also be made as a substitute for liquid drug infusion. What does that mean? Means coconut water contains vitamins and minerals, as well as the iron ions are very important for our body, because when juxtaposed with coconut water infusion has kedududkan equivalent.
In 30 ml of coconut water contains 61 mg of potassium, sodium 5.45 mg, and 1.3 mg of sugar. Other ingredients are magnesium, calcium, vitamins B and C, zinc, selenium, iodine, and sulfur.
The following are the benefits of coconut water content for the health of our bodies: 1. Keeps the body hydrated 2. Help you lose weight 3. Boost the immune system 4. Improve circulation 5. Eliminate nausea 6. 7 treating cholera patients. Good for gastrointestinal 8. Maintain electrolyte balance 9. Overcoming urinary tract infections 10. Maintain healthy skin


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